Top-rated Mexican insurance – Get Attention in an Open-Air Market

Top-rated Mexican insurance – How to Attract Attention Quickly in an Open-Air Market in Mexico

Whether you travel to Mexico as part of a large group or just with a friend, open-air markets can be fun, especially if you venture into the globos or sobreruedas of Baja’s small communities. However, driving is necessary to reach these non-touristy areas, and top-rated Mexican insurance is just as important in these areas as on federal highways. Your Mexico auto insurance for tourists is good throughout the nation, but you want to select a policy that matches your destination in liability values.

Attention-Getting in the Local Market

It is important to remember that haggling is not always appropriate. Attempting to negotiate can be fun in the right environment, but the vendors in a more localized market are not catering to the tourist in most cases. They may grant you a good deal, but don’t be abrasive in your tactics. Be prepared to walk away gracefully if you don’t get the deal that you want, and allow the vendor the opportunity to make that last push if they want the sale. Poor behavior will grab attention and maybe some security intervention in extreme cases.

Loud and obnoxious

It’s easy to be loud and obnoxious in a tourist setting, and vendors in the tourist corridor may prompt this with their careless actions. In the more localized Mexican open-air market, loud music and lots of conversation may be abundant, but rude behavior such as yelling is not typical. Instead, try to blend in as much as possible to get an authentic feel for the atmosphere.

Don’t reflect reckless behavior

You can also reflect reckless behavior in your approach to the setting. Don’t use ridiculous parking maneuvers in tight spaces. Drive carefully where pedestrians are active. Failing to be courteous could result in interaction with authorities. It could also lead to your need to use top-rated Mexican insurance for minor accidents. Fender benders might seem harmless enough. Still, your Mexico auto insurance for tourists may come into play if you’ve been an obnoxious guest in the country. A pedestrian accident could be even more severe, and a fatality could be disastrous. Show respect as you drive in these areas, and be sensible by selecting sufficient limits in your top-rated Mexican insurance.

Top-rated Mexican insurance from Mexican Insurance comes with roadside assistance throughout Mexico and legal and repair in the US.

Learn more about Mexico auto insurance for tourists


Rules of the Road – Common Sense and Mexican Insurance Coverage