When’s the Best Time to Head to Rocky Point?

Mexican insurance from MexicanInsuranceStore.com
Princesa De Penasco, Rocky Point

Rocky Point is a great place to spend the weekend. As the summer slows down, there are better deals on hotels or rental homes. You may even want to save your summer vacation for after Labor Day so you can enjoy a more low-key experience. A Mexican insurance coverage is important for covering you and your vehicle in case of any accidents. This is true regardless of the timing of your travels. Think about your ability to shoulder the expenses involved in a serious accident, because liability Mexico car insurance policy won’t handle your vehicle issues.

Drive carefully

You should remember that Mexico uses the metric system. An officer may not ask to view your Mexican insurance if they stopped you for speeding. But you should be prepared, just in case. Remember that speed limits in Mexico are metric, representing the kilometers per hour to be driven. A kilometer is approximately equal to .62 miles, and you can multiply the posted speed limit by .62 to convert to miles per hour. You also need Mexican insurance to use the toll roads.

Remember, the Mexican authorities are on the lookout for cars speeding, especially during tourist season. If the authorities pulled you over for speeding, be sure to avoid paying the officer directly, even if this is requested. Just pay the fine at the police station.

Mexican insurance is helpful in more ways than one!

Your Mexico car insurance will allow you to access assistance from a bilingual legal support team. This is extremely important especially if you are in an accident. You can view an accident as a felony. Napoleonic law treats all parties as guilty until you can prove yourself as innocent. Your Mexican insurance won’t get you off the hook, but it may ensure that you will not be alone to solve your problems.