Spring Flavors from Mexico and Mexican Insurance For Tourists

As summer fruits begin to make their way to the produce stands, you might also wonder about south-of-the-border choices. While you may not be able to bring those fresh fruits back from open-air markets in Mexico, a trip across the border is a great way to check out some of the newest flavors first-hand. Even a trip to the border zone should be covered by Mexican insurance for tourists. Although some domestic policies include minor border protections, you need authentic Mexico insurance to address your legal responsibilities in Mexico.

Vegetables and fruits during spring

Frutas y Postres

Some of the best flavors of spring in Mexico are fruits, but desserts are equally ricos – delicious. It’s even better when you can have both together, so add a nice pastelería to your travel plans. Pick up a single serving of pastel de tres leches for something rich and sweet, and get a cup of fruit slices from a further at a market or roadside stand.

An additional popular choice for the spring and summer months is fruity beverages. Mexican aguas are very refreshing, much lighter than a typical juice drink from a north-of-the-border store. Juices are watered down slightly so that the fruit flavor is delicate but not overwhelming. Options range from mango to limonada, and you can easily find these at many open-air markets and flea markets. Licuados are slightly heavier, similar to smoothies but not as thick. The fruit pulp is blended into such a beverage so that there is a specific viscosity. You can often find these at ice pop stands and sandwich shops. Look for melon flavors for a truly delicious experience.

Mexican insurance for tourists

Getting Around

Mexican insurance for tourists won’t provide you with navigational assistance, but it provides necessary support if you have trouble searching out spring flavors and foods in Mexico. In addition, your authentic Mexico insurance includes roadside support services so that you can get back on track in the event of a breakdown, lockout, or other problem. If you run out of fuel due to misjudging distances, for example, then you can get in touch with the support line of your Mexican insurance for tourists to arrange for help.

Mexican insurance for tourists from MexicanInsuranceStore.com comes with roadside assistance throughout Mexico.

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