Mexico Auto Insurance For Travel With Your Pet in Mexico – Cautions and Preparations

If you will be taking your dog or cat on your trip to Mexico, you will want to familiarize yourself with some basic requirements to minimize your risk of dealing with a required quarantine at the time of your return to the United States. You will want Mexico auto insurance for travel across the border. In addition to your Mexico insurance for tourists, you will also want to meet international requirements for pet-related travel. Meeting pet requirements will minimize issues with the authorities. And reputable Mexico auto insurance for travel coverage for your vehicle can minimize problems if you have an accident.

Vacation in Mexico with Kids

Pet Travel in Mexico – Requirements

The Mexican government requires that two major documents are carried out related to your pet. You will need proof of both rabies and distemper vaccinations. This must be given more than 15 days in advance of your entry into the country. You should also have an international certification of good health. And this needs to be completed by a licensed vet on Form 77-043.

Little attention will be given to your pet upon entry into the country. However, an inspection might occur if you are traveling by air. For those entering at a border, Mexico auto insurance for travel across the border is not likely to be inspected at the time of entry. It may never be evaluated during your stay, especially if you steer clear of accidents. However, an accident that is not covered by legitimate Mexico auto insurance for travel across the border could leave you and your pet in an uncomfortable situation as you address the legal and financial issues that result.

Returning to the U.S.

At the point of your return to the Otro Lado, the United States, you will need to be able to show your proof of your pet’s vaccination. If you have spent a lengthy amount of time in Mexico, you may need to have your pet re-vaccinated prior to your return. Vaccination must have been given more than 30 days before you cross the border. A lapse could cause you to have to deal with quarantine. Similarly, a lapse in your Mexico insurance for tourists could lead to problems. This is especially true if you have an accident before you leave.

Mexico auto insurance for travel in Mexico from Mexican Insurance Store comes with roadside assistance through all of Mexico at no additional cost