Mexican Insurance for Rocky Point Drivers and Local Activities

If you are longing for an exciting fishing adventure, then Rocky Point is just for you. Before you go, buy Mexican insurance for Rocky Point drivers online so that you can head straight over the border and go. Situated just an hour from the Lukeville AZ border crossing, the area has a reputation for fantastic fishing options.  If you will bring your jet skis or a trailer with fishing gear, add it to your Mexico auto insurance for Rocky Point drivers. Remember, your insurance company can invalidate your policy if you don’t cover all towed items.

Mexican insurance for Rocky Point drivers

Local activities

Fishing is one of the most popular activities in the area. In fact, the Sea of Cortez provides access to an abundance of marine creatures. Join a guided fishing expedition or bring your own boat. You will also appreciate the variety of vessels available. From kayaks to yachts, there are many ways to experience the region. Another idea is to participate in tournaments to compete for prizes and recognition.

You may enjoy a campground stay with an RV. You might prefer luxury accommodations in a local resort. The options are varied. Make sure that you appropriately value your rig or vehicle so that any losses are correctly covered. Theft and vandalism aren’t common, but you need to cover your bases. Full coverage insurance is ideal for guarding against your personal potential for loss. Mexico auto insurance for Rocky Point drivers can be liability only or full coverage, but liability-only options won’t compensate you if your vehicle is totaled or stolen. Mexican insurance limits should be selected to cover Sonora requirements.

Don’t Forget to buy Mexico Auto Insurance for Rocky Point Drivers

You may want to bring your ATVs so that you can check out vast expanses of the beach. ATV coverage in Mexico auto insurance for Rocky Point drivers is for towing purposes. In fact, all towed equipment should be included in policy. These items include:

  • Trailers (travel or utility)
  • Attached camper or shell
  • Boat and trailer
  • Dune buggies
  • Motorcycles
  • Bicycles
  • ATVs
  • ATCs
  • Towed car or truck

Your insurance policy should include hauled items for liability purposes. Operation of the items themselves isn’t included in your Mexican insurance for Rocky Point drivers. It’s important to clarify your questions by speaking to an insurance representative.

Mexican insurance for Rocky Point drivers, buy an annual policy then visit whenever you feel like it!