Mexican insurance for Canadian drivers and traveling to Baja

If you are thinking about concluding the summer with a tour of Baja, you can begin your plans with an overview of online Mexican insurance for Canadian drivers. You will find that online policies are much easier to price for value than border Mexican car insurance for Canadian drivers. You can also hone in on specific needs through insurance quote tools.

Playa del Carmen beach in Riviera Maya

How long will it take to get there?

Your destination may not be as crucial as your timing. With a long-term policy, your car insurance enables you to explore more freely. However, the luxury of open-ended plans may not be yours at this time, and your Mexican auto insurance for Canadian driver dates may be firmly in place. If your plans change, you’ll appreciate the ability to access your car insurance online to purchase supplemental coverage.

Will You Be Towing?

Towed items must be included on your Mexican insurance for Canadian drivers. For example, suppose you take a trailer with cooking supplies, ATVs, or other materials. In that case, you need to cover the trailer and any items totaling more than $1,000 in value on your Mexican auto insurance for Canadian drivers. In addition, if you tow a second car to drive when you reach your destination, it must be included in your policy as a towed item. It must also have its coverage for operation in Mexico.

Remember to buy Mexican insurance for Canadian drivers!

A long-term trip can be a lot of fun with a rental home. Look for something in Ensenada or Rosarito so that you can enjoy the activities of the cities. Consider a small beach house further south for privacy and leisure. There are many options for long-term travel. Your long-term Mexican car insurance will enable you to focus on having fun.

Motels are available throughout the region. Late summer can be a great time to travel as many people are returning home and preparing for a return to school and other fall activities. Check online for popular options when you buy Mexican insurance coverage.  Consider making advance reservations for more active areas. Rural venues may only be available through in-person reservations. Your travel options are varied. Your Mexican car insurance for Canadian drivers will ensure that you travel safely.

Mexican insurance online at and long-term coverage

Mexican insurance for Canadian drivers

Baja whale watching. For more info about Canadians in Mexico, Read Canadians living in Mexico.