Mexican Insurance for Autos and Adventure Options
Looking for an adventuresome vacation that won’t cost a fortune? Have you thought about heading south of the border? Baja provides you with some great scenery and some interesting activities to consider. If you’ve never visited, you’ll enjoy the adventure of simply navigating new territory. Of course, if you’ve never driven in Mexico, then you do need to become acquainted with driving requirements as well, one of the most important being the purchase of Mexican insurance for autos. Selecting Mexico car insurance isn’t just a good idea. It’s required by law that you have a valid policy when you drive in Baja to meet “financial responsibility” laws.

Fishing Adventures
Baja provides you with lots of options for fishing. You can find a charter for either the Sea of Cortez or the Pacific at various points on the peninsula. Research in advance to find a charter in Ensenada, San Felipe or Mulege. You’ll also find great options in the San Quintín Valley with beaches and the bay. You can bring your own boat, but make sure that you select your Mexican insurance for autos so that it includes your boat and trailer. If you have an incident and haven’t covered your boat with an insurance policy, you could end up dealing with coverage issues for your vehicle as well.
Zip Lines
Surprisingly close to the U.S. border, you’ll find a zip line tour just outside of Ensenada. Las Canadas is popular with tourists as well as Mexicans, and it includes camping and water features for a fun recreational time. The zip line tour is a great way to have some extra adventure. Some of your most challenging driving will be getting through the border zone in Tijuana before heading out on Mexican Highway 1. Your Mexican Insurance for autos covers you from the moment you enter Mexico until you leave. Make sure that your Mexico car insurance is sufficient for your planned time in the area. If your policy lapses, you won’t be covered.
Extending Your Vacation
If you find that you want to explore an area further, it’s not difficult to extend your policy or purchase additional Mexican Insurance for autos. Find an Internet café with printers, and it will only take a short time to buy and print additional Mexico car insurance.
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