Have You Thought About Non-Driving Accidents in Mexico? – Buy Mexico insurance at MexicanInsuranceStore.com

Mexico insurance at MexicanInsuranceStore.com
Driving To Mexico

Mexico insurance at MexicanInsuranceStore.com – Have You Thought About Non-Driving Accidents in Mexico?

You might be thinking that you can get by on your Mexico trip without having to buy Mexico insurance at MexicanInsuranceStore.com. Maybe your driving time will be minimal, and you figure you can save a few dollars by skipping Mexican insurance. Although you might park your vehicle upon arrival in your destination, you could still be the victim of an unfortunate non-driving accident or incident.

While Your Vehicle Is Parked

Your vehicle is supposed to be covered with Mexican insurance throughout its time in the country, and failure to cover it could result in your liability even if you aren’t at fault and even if your vehicle was parked. What if your car slips out of gear on a hill? Tijuana and Ensenada have some steep inclines that could place you in that very situation. Damages would be your responsibility, and they could be hefty. When you buy Mexico insurance at MexicanInsuranceStore.com, you need to be sure that your coverage is consistent with your destination, and this amount is well above minimum liability limits available for Baja Norte.

If your vehicle is struck by another car while it is parked, you might still encounter liability problems if you don’t have Mexican insurance. Because it is legally required, failure to buy Mexico insurance at MexicanInsuranceStore.com could leave you looking guilty. Add to that the fact that Mexico’s legal system operates on Napoleonic law where guilt is presumed and innocence must be proven. Without coverage, you could face serious financial and legal problems that might have been easily handled with appropriate coverage in place.

Weather-Related Damages

Although you may not expect to have car damage due to storms or other weather problems, you need to keep in mind that some roads can be seriously affected by weather problems, especially flooding. A downed tree in a windstorm or hurricane could be an issue as well. Failure to buy Mexico insurance at MexicanInsuranceStore.com could leave you vulnerable in a serious situation.

Vandalism and Theft

A full-coverage Mexican insurance is a huge need if you are going to be in an area that has a lot of crime, but a theft could happen anywhere. Without coverage, you could be out of luck. It is important to realize that when you buy Mexico insurance at MexicanInsuranceStore.com, total theft is covered. Partial theft and vandalism require an expanded policy, worth considering if you anticipate the potential of these issues.

Buy Mexico insurance at MexicanInsuranceStore.com for Roadside Assistance throughout all of Mexico.