Cultural Daycation Activities with the Family in Mexico

Looking for a family-friendly daycation with an international flair? Try a trip across the border for some cultural experiences and fun. Language learning is just one of many memorable activities that children can enjoy and benefit from. You can complete your quality Mexico auto insurance online so that you don’t have to delay at the border. Don’t forget your Mexican auto insurance policy as this would be a more negative memory if an accident occurred.

Restaurant menu in Spanish

Food and Language

Eating is the perfect activity for learning more about Mexican culture. Whether you stop at a taco stand or try one of Tijuana’s Chinese restaurants, you will have the chance to expose your kids to good manners and great vocabulary. Taco stands are sensational from an experience perspective. This is not the Taco Bell drive-through, not by a long shot. Gather with the lunch crowd for hot tortillas filled with savory carne asada or carne al pastor. The taquero may add a healthy dose of guacamole, onions and cilantro before handing your plate across. Add condiments of radish, lime, and salsa to your taste. Have your youngsters notice mannerisms and comments. Por favor, gracias, con permiso – these are all polite terms, and children can pick up on their meanings in context, even if they’ve reviewed the English translations in advance.

Visiting a Chinese restaurant in Mexico can be an eye-opening experience. This is due to some subtle differences between what is familiar and what Chinese immigrants to Mexico have done to create their favorite dishes with local goods. Another good idea is to look for the sweet and sour sauce to be more of an orange sauce in the Tijuana area. Asking for the sweet and sour sauce in San Quintin might result in your being handed a dish of ketchup. The large portions and low prices may surprise you as you dine.

Check out a fancy restaurant to get yet another perspective. Furthermore, try a familiar fast-food chain to see if a burger is much different in another country. Don’t miss the play areas at spots like McDonald’s in Tijuana. Kids’ laughter can be fun in any language, and children seem to cross international barriers with ease on a playground.

Quality Mexico auto insurance

Remember Your Quality Mexico Auto Insurance

A Mexican auto insurance policy is important no matter how far you travel into Mexico. Your Mexico auto insurance from covers your liability if you are responsible for a fender bender or for a major collision. It’s easy to get distracted when you cross an international border. And Mexico auto insurance from protects you just in case.

Mexican auto insurance policy from comes with FREE Roadside Assistance.

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