Car insurance for Mexico and Vehicle Inspection

Your car can be a means of enjoying many off-the-beaten-path sites in Mexico, but a breakdown during your travels can be frustrating. Before you leave, and for your protection, you need to be sure that you have purchased and printed your car insurance for Mexico. In addition to buying Mexico auto insurance, you should do some basic vehicle preparation to ready your ride for the road.

Vehicle Inspection

If you are meticulous about oil changes, your shop probably keeps you apprised of pending maintenance and repair issues. If you aren’t as attentive to regular maintenance, an oil change and inspection can alert you to any serious concerns with your vehicle. Be especially attentive to issues like worn belts, radiator leaks and brakes. Your mechanic can give you an overview of how urgent any of these issues may be. Serious issues should be fixed before you drive in Mexico. Although your car insurance for Mexico includes roadside assistance, there isn’t a guarantee of the level of expertise in a mechanic’s shop if you have a breakdown.

Tire Wear

Be sure to evaluate your tires as well. For some, it’s easy to keep track of the time and mileage since a set of tires was purchased. For others, it may be important to have a quick check to ensure that they are roadworthy. Your mechanic may be able to provide an analysis, or you may want to check with the tire shop where you purchased your set. The assistance services from your car insurance for Mexico may be able to get you to a llantera for repairs. However, remember that using an independent tire repair resource will invalidate any warranties.

Last-Minute Checks

Before you head out on your trip, verify that your fluids are sufficient. Consider carrying extra oil, brake fluid and antifreeze in your trunk. Yes you may see water barrels at highway stops during your travels. However, it’s wise to have a supply of water in case you overheat as well. Don’t forget your Mexico auto insurance. You can wait for a last-minute decision about your coverage levels and policy period, but heading into Mexico without your car insurance policy can be just as risky as not prepping your vehicle.

Car insurance for Mexico by

Vehicle Inspections in Mexico

Important Travel Prep Before Crossing the Mexican Border – Insurance for Mexico from Mexican Insurance Store