3 Ways To Avoid Being A Gringo Stranded on the Highway – Top-rated Mexican insurance coverage

Top-rated Mexican insurance coverage
The first time Highway One reaches the Sea of Cortez

Top-rated Mexican insurance coverage – 3 Ways To Avoid Being A Gringo Stranded on the Highway

Top-rated Mexican insurance coverage is a first step, providing you with emergency services for just such a situation. Even a vehicle that is in great shape runs the risk of breaking down and stranding a motorist, but in a foreign country, like Mexico this could be a harrowing experience, especially if you are traveling at night. Safety is important, and there is much more to consider than just the potential of encountering unsavory individuals at night.

The ideal is to avoid an evening breakdown or any other breakdown. However, it is also wise to think about what you will do if this does occur. You should narrow your search for Mexican border insurance for tourists to options that include excellent roadside support features, like policies from Mexican Insurance Store.com. Please read the following additional strategies for protecting yourself from gringo-solo status. Top-rated Mexican insurance coverage is now required in order to drive legally on any highway in Mexico. So bring your policy because you may now need to show it to the authorities

1. Check Your Vehicle’s Condition

Road conditions can be questionable in more remote areas, but even well-maintained roads can create challenges if your vehicle isn’t operating correctly. Overheating on a busy Tijuana street, for example, could put you in the middle of unfamiliar circumstances and leave you negotiating active traffic and conversing in an unfamiliar tongue under duress. Although your top-rated Mexican insurance coverage for federal highways won’t head of such breakdowns, it can provide for prompt service as you contact the support team. Meanwhile, be sure that you check your oil and water levels before you set out on your trip. Verify tire condition, including that of your spare. If your vehicle isn’t reliable, consider postponing your trip or renting a reliable vehicle for travel.

2. Smartphone Coverage

Be sure that you have a reliable smartphone handy so that you can make contact with support staff for your top-rated Mexican insurance coverage for federal highways. Add a Mexico plan before you set out so that you don’t have expensive roaming charges while you are in Mexico.

3. Travel in Numbers with top-rated Mexican insurance coverage

By traveling with others in your party, you can benefit from having help close at hand if you do break down. If you need to wait for a tow truck, it’s safer to do so with friends alongside. Make sure that each vehicle in your caravan is covered with Mexican border insurance for tourists.

Top-rated Mexican insurance coverage for federal highways from Mexican Insurance Store.com has an option which includes a half-hour roadside assistance GUARANTEE on any highway in Mexico

Learn more about Mexican border insurance for tourists


Mexican border insurance for tourists
The tides of the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California)