What if I get lost in Mexico? Learn about travel tips with Mexico insurance by MexicanInsuranceStore.com

Mexico insurance by MexicanInsuranceStore.com
Horseback riding on a secluded beach, Todos Santos

Driving in an unfamiliar setting can be confusing and disorienting, making it helpful to have a plan as you head for Mexico. Be sure that you collaborate with others in your travel party so that you all understand what you will do if someone is separated from the group. You don’t have to collaborate on buying your Mexico insurance by MexicanInsuranceStore.com, but you may want to coordinate on special arrangements such as towing and driving. Your Mexican auto insurance with MexicanInsuranceStore.com does allow unlimited drivers, but it doesn’t allow towing without a trailer or other towed item being listed on the driving policy for the vehicle doing the towing.


A decade ago, cellphone use in Mexico could be costly and limited. However, the country has options such as Wi-Fi and smartphones that are familiar. Your own device may work in Mexico, but you need to check with your provider to price international voice and data plans. It is wise for each vehicle traveling in your party to have at least one such device on board. Being able to get in touch will help as you drive or walk.

Remember to buy Mexico insurance by MexicanInsuranceStore.com before taking off! If you forget before you leave though, you can still manage to purchase Mexican auto insurance with MexicanInsuranceStore.com using a tablet or smartphone.

Cities vs. Towns

It’s much easier to get lost in a big city because things can be more active and crowded. If you are separated from your group, look for a major landmark as you consider how to describe your location. In fact, starting out your activities in a city, it may be wise to select a landmark as a meeting spot so that your group members know where to find each other. Set a check-in time as well.

If you are in a rural town, a highway or major road often serves as such a landmark. Take note of a spot on that road as a meeting point. Colorful points of reference may help as well.

Use the buddy system

Staying together is helpful for avoiding being lost without help. Whether you are driving or on foot, a buddy can make contact by phone or text while another navigates.

Mexico insurance by MexicanInsuranceStore.com is required!

Your Mexican auto insurance with MexicanInsuranceStore.com allows you to partner with reputable providers so that you are protected in case of an accident or roadside problem. Mexico insurance by MexicanInsuranceStore.com is worth the investment, and your Mexican auto insurance with MexicanInsuranceStore.com includes important travel assistance features to help if you run into trouble. As you research Mexico insurance by MexicanInsuranceStore.com, you will find these recommendations provided so that you can plan appropriately.

Mexico insurance by MexicanInsuranceStore.com gives you peace of mind!