Travel Warnings About Mexico & How to Correctly Read Them.
Important Travel Tips From Mexican Insurance Store

Story by Jim Foreman.
Some time ago a group of friends decided to enjoy Chinese Food together. At the end of the meal as the check arrived, the most outspoken and perhaps the most attractive friend grabbed her fortune cookie and stood up.
She pronounced that everyone had to add the words ‘in bed’ after every fortune. One by one, we all read aloud our fortunes with the additional fun words.
Today it seems whenever you try to plan a trip down south, some news report comes out. Don’t go this week, the US State Department just issue another warning! The cheeky nerve… Who are these people at the State Department and have any of them even traveled to Mexico?
How to interpret Mexican travel warnings
As of this writing, many popular destinations are on the US State Department Travel Warning page for Mexico. One should actually read it rather than rely on others to tell them what to think.
Go ahead and click on the link. The first thing you’ll notice is these warnings nearly always specify US Personnel. This means US Government employees. In particular, the warnings mostly refer to US Embassy and Consulate employees and Anti-Drug officials.
One must chuckle at the line, “U.S. government personnel are prohibited from patronizing adult clubs and gambling establishments in the states of Coahuila, Durango, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Jalisco, Colima, and Nayarit.” It’s seemingly okay for US Government personnel to patronize ‘Adult Clubs’ (legal brothels) in other states of Mexico.
The more important line to take from all of this is, “There is no evidence criminal organizations have targeted U.S. citizens based on their nationality.”
For many readers and travelers to Mexico, this is all common sense. However, for those who sell gear, also known as the news media, this will add to the ignorant indignation.
Foolish ‘American Traveler’ naiveté causes many to take regrettable and ridiculous actions at home and while traveling. Later these same folks dare to complain when something does go wrong and blame everyone else for their complete lack of common sense or reason.
Let’s make this perfectly clear. Follow these simple guidelines to enjoy the amazing Mexican culture.
- You should not travel at night. Be off the road before dusk, and don’t mess with this one.
- Don’t wear shirts with a large ‘DEA’ printed on them.
- Don’t get gas or visit an ATM at night. Do you do this at home?
- Don’t be a loud, obnoxious, overly complaining boor. Ever! Whether traveling or not.
Seriously, be aware of the ever-changing situation in Mexico. Talk to people who have recently (within the last 3-4 months) been there. Get their perspective. Don’t rely on people who have never been or only have anecdotal stories about their brother’s friend who, for no reason wound up in a Mexican jail.
Because of this, it’s wise to avoid sensational or out-of-date info from the news media, TV shows, movies, pulp thrillers and especially Facebook and what passes for news on the internet. Remember, the ‘News’ is not there to inform you. Above all, its sole purpose is to keep you angry and afraid. Watch 20 minutes of any newscast and then see how you’re feeling. When one is angry and afraid, one can be manipulated into believing or doing anything, no matter how abhorrent.
Why You Should Buy Mexico insurance coverage for driving.
You need to have a valid policy from a Mexican insurance company. You can get this coverage from
Some insurers in the US and Canada provide limited protection for Mexico. They may cover physical damage to 25 miles from the border. Your domestic insurance can not extend liability coverage to you. US and Canadian liability coverage is invalid in Mexico. If a car accident happens and you are found to be at fault, it can be really hard.
In Mexico, it is required that all drivers have car insurance. The minimum protection is liability-only. Get full coverage unless your car, motorcycle, or RV is over 20 years old. The best advice is to match your US or Canadian insurance when buying Mexican Insurance. This way, your risk remains the same.
A Liability Only Mexican insurance policy will only cover the damage you cause to other people or property.
Mexico is a warm and wonderful place to visit offering some of the best beaches, weather, culture, and hospitality anywhere in the world. More than 15 Million people visit Mexico each year with nothing but sunburn and great stories. Few places in the world offer all the benefits that Mexico does.
Going back to the story about the Chinese food fortune cookies with friends, add the words, “If you’re involved in the drug trade” to the travel warnings to get an accurate perspective.
For more information please read, “Rookie Mistakes to Avoid While Traveling“

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