Top Tips for Mexico Shore Fishing and Mexico Insurance

If you fish from a boat, typically you need a valid Mexican fishing license. . You should know the rules can change over time, so make sure to check with CONAPESCA. Make sure you pass all the requirements before heading over. Similarly, it is wise for you to check on Mexico insurance and any requirement changes before you travel. Insufficient Mexican insurance coverage could create serious problems if you are involved in a major accident.

Requirements for Fishing License Aren’t Your Only Concerns

There are situations when officials will ask you for documents. In such a situation, you might feel pressured to cave in. If you’ve done your research and know you are right, you could call their bluff. You know what you’re doing with the right paperwork so keep that in mind.

It is not typical for authorities to ask about your Mexico insurance. However, an individual seeking bribe money might use this as an excuse to ask you for cash. If you carry proof of your coverage, however, there is little reason for such an individual to continue pestering.

Obtaining a License and Mexico Insurance

Border communities in the United States provide a location for purchasing a Mexican fishing license prior to your travel. You will need to search for CONAPESCA online to identify a nearby location. You can also ask fishing guides in the area you visit for information about where to obtain a fishing license. Any flotation device or boat fishing requires a license, so you need to have that taken care of. Mexican auto insurance should include towing coverage if you’re taking a boat.