Mexican Insurance Policies for Tourists – 5 Ways for a Newbie to Botch Them Up

Mexican Insurance Policies for Tourists
The Sea of Cortez – Gulf of Mexico, Baja

Mexican Insurance Policies for Tourists – 5 Ways for a Newbie to Botch Them Up

If this will be your first trip across the border in your own vehicle, you may wonder about getting the best Mexican insurance policies for tourists. As you research online, you can get a Mexico car insurance quote in just a few minutes. However, buying the best policy for your needs is important, and understanding the terms is also a priority. Assumptions can be serious errors, so don’t botch your potential claims. Following are five mistakes to avoid:

  1. Low limits – coverage for different states can vary, and some states have very high benefits for the survivors if a Mexican citizen is killed in a wreck. Know the limits for the states you will visit, and select the best Mexican insurance policies for tourists based on those high-limit states on your itinerary.
  2. Insufficient time – don’t assume that your Mexico car insurance quote will cover you for extra days if your return home is delayed. When your policy lapses, you are without benefits, and an accident could create serious problems. Extend your coverage if you will have a delayed return.
  3. Wrong car – even the best Mexican insurance policies for tourists will only cover one vehicle. Each vehicle needs its own policy, and you will need to adjust accordingly. Don’t swap vehicles without getting additional coverage.
  4. Ineligible driver – your drivers must have valid drivers’ licenses, but they also need to be at least 21 years old for your coverage to be valid. Don’t let an underaged driver invalidate your policy and ruin your vacation in the process. Save the driving lessons for home.
  5. Towing – a last-minute decision to tow your ATVs or boat may seem reasonable, but your coverage could be voided because of a lack of proper coverage. The best Mexican insurance policies for tourists still require that proper details and values be provided for coverage to be effective. Failure to do so could be disastrous if you wreck.

Getting a reliable Mexico car insurance quote online is easy, but be clear about your policy needs and travel plans so that you don’t shortchange yourself.

The best Mexican insurance policies for tourists from comes with GUARANTEED Roadside Assistance

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