Mexican insurance from & border hazards

Mexican insurance from & border hazards

While doing research for your trip to Mexico, it’s important to think a bit about what life will be like in another country. When driving in Mexico, you should be covered with Mexican insurance from throughout your stay, and allowing your coverage to lapse before you leave could be disastrous. Whether you are traveling on an existing policy or buying new insurance for Mexico at in anticipation of your trip, you need to be sure of your plans and dates of coverage.

Border hazards

On your way out of Mexico, you could face some intense driving. The crossing you use will play a role in just how intense the situation could be. Timing can also be an important factor. For example, the Tijuana crossing can be crazy on a Sunday afternoon as weekend travelers leave. The Otay-Mesa crossing, on the other hand, tends to be a bit more orderly. While some fender benders in the Tijuana lanes can be resolved without the authorities, you should be aware of the presence of police officers.

You definitely don’t want to be in a serious incident without valid Mexican insurance from Be aware of people selling wares on foot. Pedestrian incidents are possible, and you probably won’t negotiate your way out of such a situation. Keep your car insurance for Mexico at current.

Mexican insurance from is required!

If you are a frequent traveler to Mexico, your car insurance for Mexico at may be a long-term policy. It’s still important to review details before each trip. Don’t assume that your documents are in the vehicle without actually doing a visual check. It’s wise to put your renewal date on your calendar so that you remember to update your coverage on time. However, if you cross the border and discover that your Mexican insurance from will expire during your trip, you can log onto your account from a wireless device or from a computer to handle the renewal. You may want to take care of this at an Internet café so that you can print copies of the updates.

Note: Multiple vehicles need separate policies!

It’s easy to assume your Mexican insurance from quote unquote “covers everything”, and is sufficient for all travel in the country. However, your policy is specific to the vehicle for which it is written. Make sure that you have car insurance for Mexico at for all vehicles you drive into Mexico.

Mexican insurance from gives you peace of mind!

Mexican insurance from
Highway 1, Baja