Mexican Insurance For Tourists & Presumption of Guilt

You may be used to the idea of having legal rights at home. However, you need to prepare yourself as you cross the border. Your visit to Mexico places you in a much different legal position, especially if you have a car accident or other encounter with law officials. Mexican insurance for tourists is helpful because, for starters, it provides you with legal representation if you do have a wreck. It’s important to keep this value in mind when you obtain Mexico car insurance coverage.

Mexican insurance for tourists

Legal Rights and Presumptions

There are no Miranda rights in Mexico. If you are involved in an incident, you are faced with the presumption of guilt and the burden of proving your innocence. This may not sound fair, but this is the reality of traveling in foreign cultures. You are subject to foreign laws. Based on this, you should take the need to buy Mexican insurance for tourists seriously. Many tourists consider their coverage as optional. Some mistakenly assume that their current auto coverage is all that’s really necessary. However, Mexican authorities only accept recognized Mexican products from legitimate Mexican companies. Additionally, any home policy that you have will be limited in addressing incidents in Mexico. There may be some provisions for damage to your vehicle in border areas, but there won’t be much more beneficial than that. What about your liabilities for injuries and damages to others?

Recommended Liability Limits

Your Mexican insurance for tourists allows you to select liability levels based on several issues. Although low limits may be available, each Mexican state has its own unique requirements for compensation if you are responsible for the death of a citizen. This compensation amounts may be very low in some states and extremely high in others. At the time you buy Mexico car insurance coverage, you can check out the charts of state-by-state limits. Your policy ensures that you are able to fulfill your financial obligations in such an unfortunate instance. Additionally, legal representation provided with your coverage allows you to benefit from a bilingual professional working to settle issues with the authorities. Attempting to deal with these issues on your own can be costly and frustrating, but your Mexico car insurance coverage has your needs covered.

Mexican insurance for tourists from MexicanInsuranceStore gives you peace of mind, so you can fully enjoy your vacation without worry!

Mexican insurance from MexicanInsuranceStore
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