Mexican Insurance for Federal Highways – Living in Mexico vs. Visiting Mexico – What’s the Difference?

Mexican Insurance for Federal Highways
The first view of the Sea of Cortez along Federal Highway 12

Mexican insurance for federal highways – Living in Mexico vs. Visiting Mexico – What’s the Difference?

A long-term visit to Mexico isn’t much different from living in the country. However, you might face some legal issues if you are in the country on a nearly permanent basis without formal permission. If you are planning to be in the country for an extended period of time, you should adjust your Mexican insurance for federal highways appropriately. You can handle the action from your computer or wireless device as you update your Mexico insurance policy online. Just print a fresh copy of your coverage details upon completion of the changes. Mexican insurance for federal highways is now required by law.

Vehicle Issues for Long-Term Residency

If you decide to immigrate to Mexico, you may need to import your vehicle, registering it and obtaining Mexico plates. Your U.S.- or Canada-based Mexican insurance for federal highways is no longer valid for a Mexican-plated vehicle. Similarly, you may need to obtain a Mexican drivers’ license in this case, and you will want to investigate information about testing and eligibility before you begin the transition. As long as your vehicle is still registered and plated for your home country, you will want to keep your Mexico insurance policy active. Because the requirement for motor vehicle coverage now applies to all vehicles in the country, you will need to research solutions in advance of importing your vehicle.


Applying for residency may be complicated, making it important to access reliable legal help for assembling and filing the required documents. Until you reach the point of making such an application, you can often manage with just a tourist permit. Failure to carry a tourist permit may not have any immediate consequences, but you may need to surrender a valid tourist permit in order to apply for more permanent residency, which you can’t do if you don’t have one. Although a tourist permit isn’t typically needed for visits in the tourist corridor of less than 72 hours, the requirement is applicable for long-term visits or part-time residency.

Do I Need to Immigrate?

The decision to become a permanent resident is personal, based on your goals and plans. It may be helpful to discuss the options with other residents to learn more about their insights. Meanwhile, be sure that you continue with appropriate Mexican insurance for federal highways while you are in the country.

Mexican Insurance for Federal Highways from comes with Roadside assistance throughout Mexico.

Any Mexico insurance policy purchased from ACE comes with GUARANTEED roadside assistance of half an hour or less on any highway in Mexico.

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