Mexican Insurance for Baja Motorcycles – Cruise Through Baja, California

Motorcycle travel seems to be surging, and statistics indicate that this is particularly true among those who are in the 40-and-over age range. However, statistics also indicate that these motorists tend to be more at risk in case of an accident. As you plan your tour of the Baja Peninsula, you will want to be sure that you take these risks into account when you buy your Mexican insurance for Baja motorcycles. Comprehensive Mexico insurance for motorcycles is a wise choice to guard against loss and injuries if you do have trouble. Mexican insurance for Baja is now required in order to drive on any highway in Mexico. Authorities are now routinely asking for a copy of your Mexico insurance for motorcycles policy.

BMW Motorcycles – Motorcycling in Mexico

Cautions for the Newcomer to Mexico

Although motorcycle activity in Mexico isn’t going to be dramatically different from any other venue, you will want to be aware of some features that could be a bit surprising in Mexican road design. You will also want to be familiar with road sign terms so that you can gauge speeds and distances well. Watch for speed bumps called “topes” on major highways and on busy city streets. These don’t typically make a lot of sense in their placement, and your lack of awareness could lead to a wreck. Although good Mexican insurance for Baja motorcycles is meant for just such occasions, you definitely don’t want to spend time dealing with an accident when you could be enjoying the fantastic scenery and brisk ocean breeze on Highway 1.

Roundabouts can be an issue in big cities, and they can be frustrating if you aren’t familiar with them. Fortunately, Tijuana is the main location you will encounter this issue. Most other communities have a more relaxed pace and intuitive layout. Mexico insurance for motorcycles does need to be active prior to your entering the country as even an accident at the border can create legal problems if you lack coverage.

Timing Your Travel And Mexican Insurance for Baja Motorcycles

It is wise to plan to end each day’s travel while it is still light outside. It’s tough to see road problems at night. Indeed, it’s easy to be lost at night if you are a newcomer to a given area. Your Mexico insurance for motorcycles does offer roadside assistance from Mexican Insurance Store. This can be of big help in all of your travels in Mexico, whether day or night.

Mexican insurance for Baja from Mexican Insurance Store comes with roadside assistance throughout Mexico at no additional cost

Learn more about Mexico insurance for motorcycles online