Mexican Insurance for Autos Allows You to Indulge Your Sweet Tooth

If you have a sweet tooth and live somewhat close to the Mexican border, then you will find that it’s great to venture across to find some of the best Mexican sweets and treats. Make sure you have your Mexican insurance for autos handy when you take your car across so that any problems can be easily resolved. You may find some treats near the border, but those who venture past the border zone often find the best goodies. Your Mexico insurance for autos allows you to travel further while enjoying peace of mind.

Authentic Mexican car insurance
Mexican insurance for autos

Pan Dulce

One of the best Mexican treats is the sweet bread, known as pan dulce. While there are lots of panaderías, bakeries, finding a really good one may require a bit of looking. One of the best in Baja is located in Colónia Lázaro Cárdenas in the San Quintín Valley. Located near the major grocery stores in the area, the shop is clean and well-stocked with donuts, cakes, and sweetbreads. Look for unique choices like pastel de tres leches and niños envueltos. Don’t miss the fresh bolillos. It’s important to have insurance if you are going to make the five-hour trip south from Tijuana.


Paletas Michoacan is a nationwide chain that sells specialty ice pops. While you may find a few vendors near the border, you’ll find an extensive selection at an actual paletería. Look for rich coconut, rice, and fruit-flavored ice pops. Be careful to ask about red streaks in orange-colored pops as there may be chile or chamoy combined with rich fruits. While this combination may seem strange to the American palate, it’s worth trying if you feel adventuresome. Your Mexican insurance policy is important if you will be driving to find a bigger paletería, and can help you with the details.


A candy store is always fun. Don’t shortchange yourself by settling for a border vendor. You’ll love the layout of a Mexican candy shop, full of all types of Mexican favorites. Mazapan, tamarindo and coconut flags are just some of the popular choices. Bring back lollipops with sweet centers and spicy exteriors. You can also find all kinds of popular piñatas in big dulcerías. Your Mexico insurance for autos policy will allow you to look for the best sweet shops without worry.


Mexican Insurance for Autos
My Sweet Mexico – Favorite Treats

For sweet treats in Mexico my sweet treats Mexico