Learn About Mexican Road Signs with Mexico Auto insurance from Mexican Insurance Store.com

Mexico auto insurance from Mexican Insurance Store.com
Highway 1, Baja California


Your senses can quickly be overwhelmed as you cross the border into Mexico, and you may feel as if you are overloading on all of the visual content you are taking in. Billboards are abundant, and road signs may fade into the background as you view ads for cellular companies, restaurants, healthcare providers, and various grocery items. Don’t forget your Mexico auto insurance from Mexican Insurance Store.com needs to be active as soon as you cross the border. Fortunately, you can buy Mexico car insurance at MexicanInsuranceStore.com so that you don’t have to worry about being covered as you begin the Mexico portion of your trip.

Learn more about Mexico auto insurance from Mexican Insurance Store.com

Watch for road signs!

The good news is that road signs in Mexico are much like those at home, making it fairly easy to identify distances, speed limits, highway numbers, and turnoffs. Highway distance markers are also very helpful. You will need to adjust to the metric system as you travel by car. Rather than miles, you are dealing with kilometers. Similarly, distances on road signs will indicate how far an exit or city is in kilometers. A mile is equal to approximately 1.6 kilometers, meaning that you can divide the kilometers by three and double to get an approximation of a distance in miles. Same goes with speed limits.

Pro tip: Use Mexico auto insurance from Mexican Insurance Store.com to access toll roads!

Mexico auto insurance from Mexican Insurance Store.com is required!

Be aware of a couple of unusual features as you drive. Speed bumps may be present on regular streets, and you may see a road sign in advance that indicates topes, the Spanish word for speed bumps. A missed sign could be an issue if you go over a tope too quickly. If you end up with a damaged oil pan because of a speed bump, your Mexico car insurance at MexicanInsuranceStore.com includes towing and other roadside assistance features. If you are near the border, you might be able to use your Mexico auto insurance from MexicanInsuranceStore.com to have your vehicle repaired in the U.S. Check the differences in providers and coverage for this need as you pick up Mexico car insurance at MexicanInsuranceStore.com.

Mexico auto insurance from MexicanInsuranceStore.com gives you peace of mind! 

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Lakisha Behler
    November 26, 2014 4:20 pm

    I told my spouse to get first Mexican auto insurance before traveling to Mexico. His policy has the best insurance coverage. Calling the insurance company is also easy if there are some things he needs to verify. It’s a nice Mexican insurance my husband has bought so far.

  • Mistie Garceau
    July 3, 2015 6:34 pm

    If you drive first-time to Mexico, learn the basic road signs so you aren’t anxious on the road. And you need Mexico auto insurance to drive legally.

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