Mexican insurance policy from & saving money

You may be thinking about ways to save money on your Mexican insurance policy from as you prepare to purchase or renew coverage. It’s nice to save money, but it is also important to keep the big picture in mind and buy quality car insurance for Mexico at You have plenty of time to compare costs as you get quotes based on various travel scenarios, but don’t assume that cheap is always good. A Mexican insurance policy from is now required in order to drive on any highway in Mexico.


Your approach to travel in Mexico will make a big difference in the amount of coverage you buy. If you plan to visit Mexico on multiple occasions or if you expect to stay any longer than 3 weeks when you go, a 6 month policy is literally cheaper than buying Mexican insurance  policy from for 3 weeks at the daily rate. Deciding between 6 months and year long car insurance for Mexico at depends on how your return trips will be spaced out. If your trips will be spaced out over the course of the year, buy an annual policy to get  maximum value. If you won’t be back within the year after your trip concludes, then six months of Mexican insurance policy from may be a better choice.

Mexican insurance policy from is required!

If you like to be flexible in your travels by taking different cars for different occasions, then obviously you can expect your costs for car insurance for Mexico at to be higher. To cut costs, always purchase Mexican insurance policy from for that vehicle alone.

No driver is invisible

It’s easy to cut costs on car insurance for Mexico at by opting for liability-only coverage. While this may be cheaper than full coverage Mexican insurance  policy from, you need to realize that an accident could be costly. You should verify that your limits are acceptable for the state or states that you will visit. You also need to evaluate the potential cost of an accident that leads to severe damage of your own vehicle. Too little coverage now could leave you facing big bills later. Take time to compare the differences in your choices of car insurance for Mexico at so that you can make the best decision for your needs.

Mexican insurance policy from gives you peace of mind!

Mexican insurance policy from
Rosarito beach pier

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Comparing quotes is necessary when trying to choose a reasonably priced Mexican insurance policy but beware that the cheapest policies are normally not the best because more often than not they don’t provide full coverage.

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