Guide to Monarch Butterfly Viewing for Canada travelers – Mexican insurance for Canadians

Mexican insurance for Canadians
El Capulin butterfly reserve

Mexican insurance for Canadians – Guide to monarch butterfly viewing for Canada travelers

The travel of monarch butterflies each year from Canada to Mexico has received some important attention in recent years as the decline of milkweed is believed to be a major factor in the population reduction of the magnificent creatures. You may want to fit a trip to the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve into your fall or winter travel plans. Start by ensuring that your passport is ready for the trip. Additionally, be sure that your Mexican insurance for Canadians is updated. Your Mexican auto insurance for Canadians must include liability coverage that is consistent with requirements for all states on your route. Additionally, you want to select Mexican car insurance for Canadians that ensures you won’t have a lapse in coverage if you decide to stay longer than planned.

Monarch butterfly Mexico Michoacan

Getting to the biosphere reserve

Driving to Michoacán can take several days once you cross the border into Mexico. Although flying may be quicker, those who have an entire winter to devote to nature travel may enjoy the beauty of a long-distance drive. From Lukeville, Arizona, the drive is nearly 1,400 miles along the coast. You’ll enjoy spots like Culiacán, Mazatlán, and Tepic on the way. You might want to include Rocky Point and Puerto Vallarta on your itinerary as well. You can expect to face toll booths on many of the roads, and it is important to note your Mexican insurance for Canadians is supplemented by toll insurance in case of any serious accidents on a toll road, especially if such an accident is attributed to road conditions.

Is Mexican insurance for Canadians required?

Your Mexican car insurance for Canadians also includes roadside help in case of any breakdowns. You can check your Mexican auto insurance for Canadians to find the number of the helpline, and you might want to input this number into your contact list for easy use in case of an emergency. Mexican Highway 15 will take you most of the way to the Biosphere Reserve. It is wise to carry a printed copy of the map and driving directions. It is also important to travel with a current copy of your Mexican car insurance for Canadians in case you need to access service or make a claim.

Mexican insurance for Canadians from features Roadside Assistance at no additional expense

Learn more about Mexican insurance for Canadians here