Featured Foods in Mexico and a Mexico Auto Insurance Policy

Perhaps you are already a fan of some of the obvious foods of Mexico. However, you may be interested in diving into the culinary diversity of the nation as you travel. You’ll find that even common foods such as tacos have their own styles in different states. Indeed, you may get a great overview of many regions and styles within a short distance. You can do this if you spend your time in border cities or Baja Norte. You will need to make sure that your Mexico auto insurance policy is current before you go. Update your Mexican car insurance online in just a few minutes. Authorities require a Mexico auto insurance policy in order to drive legally on any highway in Mexico.

Mexican food mix

Baja as a Melting Pot

Because of the significant amount of agricultural activity in Baja Norte, many different states send workers to the area to pick crops or work in other capacities in the fields. Workers from as far south as Chiapas and Oaxaca may make the trip to Baja to work in cucumber, tomato, and strawberry fields. These individuals bring along their own favorite dishes, including mole, soups, and burrito fillings.

You’ll also find a great deal of migration to the northern part of the state due to the proximity to the U.S. For many, this is a stepping stone to the Otro Lado, the other side as locals like to call the United States. This may afford you the chance to enjoy various styles of tacos, stews, roasted chickens, and more. Look for the keyword estilo when you want to check out regional foods.

Food Specialties in Baja

You’ll also find that the proximity to the sea allows you to enjoy some Baja specialties. Some of these food specialties may be different in other parts of the country. The fish taco is fantastic, unrivaled by any U.S. imitation. You will want to find an active shop, booth, or cart to be sure that you get fresh and delicious fare. The Ensenada area is a prime location for enjoying this treat as well as Baja-Med, a Mediterranean approach using local ingredients. Because coastal temperatures rarely freeze during the winter, various crops are tended throughout the year.

Mexico auto insurance policy

Remember your Mexico Auto Insurance Policy

An insurance policy should cover your trip before you cross the border. You can take care of your car insurance before you go. Indeed, this eliminates the need for any border interruptions in your travel. You will want to be sure that your auto insurance policy meets the liability limit recommendations for Baja Norte so that it adequately covered you for financial and legal needs in the event of an accident.