Eco-Tourism Near Puerto Penasco Mexico – Mexican Insurance for Rocky Point

Although the majority of travelers to Rocky Point go for water-related activities, there is also plenty to enjoy for those who love desert exploration. Regardless of your interests, you need appropriate Mexican insurance for Rocky Point if you will be taking your own vehicle. Mexican auto insurance for Rocky Point can be obtained online to save you time when you reach the border. You will also appreciate being able to make adjustments to your car insurance online if you decide to stay longer than initially planned.

Mexican insurance for Rocky Point

Bird Island, Rocky Point

Centro Intercultural de Estudios de Desiertos y Océanos

You may want to visit the center, located in Las Conchas, a neighborhood in Rocky Point, to enjoy special activities and educational opportunities related to the unique features of the area. Located in the desert, Rocky Point offers a great deal of wildlife and plants to investigate on the land. At the same time, the proximity to the Sea of Cortez makes Rock Point a unique location in terms of sea-related life. Visitors can enjoy the programs and displays available. Schools can also work with the organization to schedule special sessions centered on the ecosystems in the area.

El Pinacate and Gran Desierto de Altar Biosphere Reserve

To the north of Rocky Point, the reserve offers additional exploration based on the desert ecosystem. This provides another interesting destination for the science-minded individual, family, or school group. Both sand dunes and volcanic areas are available to explore and learn about. Photography options are intriguing, and the historic significance is interesting as well. NASA once used the area to train astronauts who are going to walk on the moon.

Mexican insurance for Rocky Point

Why do you need Mexican auto insurance for Rocky Point when going sightseeing? 

In more rugged areas, the potential for being stranded could be dangerous, especially during warmer weather. Although a tourist destination does include more abundant traffic, it is also important to remember that the emergency service features of your car insurance could be important if towing or assistance is necessary. Carry plenty of water and reliable communications devices with international plans for the time you are in the country. You also need to remember that Mexican insurance for Rocky Point is important as a legal requirement for area driving.

Mexican insurance for Rocky Point from includes Roadside Assistance!