Buying Car Insurance For Mexico – Why I Don’t Bring These 5 Items Across the Border

If you are traveling to Mexico in the near future, you will want to pay attention to your gear and goods so that you don’t inadvertently break Mexican law. The story of a United States Marine crossing and willingly declaring his possession of unlawful goods didn’t turn out very well. Although he has been able to return home, his time in a tug-of-war with the Mexican legal system was stressful, a realistic warning to those who might accidentally carry unsanctioned goods into the country. You’ll also want to pay attention to required items like your passport and car insurance for Mexico.

You might not have to prove at the border that you have a Mexican insurance coverage. However, an accident could escalate into an unpleasant legal encounter without sufficient coverage. Car insurance for Mexico, Mexican insurance coverage is now required in order to drive on any highway in Mexico

Five Items to Leave at Home

If you will be crossing into Mexico, you will want to have a copy of your car insurance for Mexico tucked in your glove compartment for easy access. However, you won’t want to have to explain the presence of these items:

1. Gun – it is illegal for foreigners to bring firearms into Mexico. Think about the U.S. Marine’s story, and you shouldn’t need to be convinced. The restriction applies to firearms of all types. No!

2. Ammo – don’t give room for doubt by carrying even a stray bullet or pellet. Although you might think that an obscure shell rolling around your vehicle isn’t a big deal, the federales will be muy enojados and will search thoroughly if they do take note of a shell.

3. Knives – although a pocket knife might not be a serious issue, it is better to avoid carrying any knives as you travel. Although you might view them as protection in case of trouble, your encounter with officials at or beyond the border could be disastrous.

4. Illicit drugs – Mexico is not the place for engaging in illegal drug activity, and federales will be on the lookout at military checkpoints, especially as they note gringos returning after a long weekend. Leave the drug activity at home.

5. Inadequate car insurance for Mexico – your coverage must meet federal standards and include state-specific liability limits. When you buy your Mexican insurance coverage, verify the limits for the states you will visit.

car insurance for Mexico

Mexican Insurance Store unique features:

  • Repairs in the US, Canada or Mexico
  • Claims settled in the US and Canada – Paid in US Dollars
  • Medical Evacuation and Travel Assistance included with each car insurance for Mexico policy at no extra cost
  • Legal Assistance automatically included with all Mexican insurance coverage
  • 24/7/365  Claims Services – 800 number throughout Mexico