Baja Wine Country South of the Border – Mexican Auto Insurance Coverage

Mexican auto insurance coverage

Mexican Auto Insurance Coverage – Baja Wine Country South of the Border

You might be surprised to know that Valle de Guadalupe, a desert valley near Ensenada, is becoming a top destination for wine enthusiasts. In fact, it has received high rankings from publications such as Wine Enthusiast, a magazine covering relevant issues for the wine-lovers of the world. First-hand experience may be the best way for those who live north of the border to experience the vintages produced in the valley. Mexican auto insurance coverage is important as you make the drive. Luckily, you can obtain Mexico insurance online in just a few minutes as you pull together the details of your trip.

Check out Mexican auto insurance coverage at

How did a Baja winery become so popular?

It is noted that the presence of Baja Norte’s wineries may be based on activity in the northern part of California. In some cases, foreigners have settled in the area and begun their wine-producing activities. There are also Mexican natives who have their own enterprises. Not only is the location known for unique and prized wines, but it is also recognized for intriguing architectural approaches in the construction of area facilities. The Vena Cava, for example, features recycled boats in its structural detail.

Pro Tip: Mexican auto insurance coverage is required to use the toll roads, without Mexico insurance you could be in the car longer.

Baja Norte includes other wineries and routes, but Valle de Guadalupe is an area that has catered to tourist interests, making it equally attractive to those driving across the border at Tijuana and to those coming from cruise ships docking in Ensenada.

How do you pick up Mexican auto insurance coverage?

You can purchase Mexico insurance for a foreign-plated vehicle from your smartphone, tablet, computer, etc. Buying Mexican auto insurance coverage online can save time and allow you to customize your coverage to your liking. If you will be visiting as part of your cruise activity, however, a policy is more difficult to buy, especially with a Mexican plated vehicle. Mexico insurance online is typically only appropriate for foreign vehicles entering Mexico.

A day-trip could easily be extended if you find vacancies or decide to travel to other winery routes in the state. Just make sure to update your coverage online if your plans change, which can happen if you’re having a great time.

Mexican auto insurance coverage from includes Roadside Assistance for your peace of mind