Authentic Mexican Insurance and Tire Evaluation Needs

Leaving for Mexico without good tires could lead to serious problems down the road. While it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of your trip, you can’t neglect basic checks and steps to ensure that you travel safely. These steps include a pre-trip tire inspection, and they also include buying authentic Mexican insurance. When you buy Mexico car insurance online you can be confident that if you are involved in a wreck, your claims will be handled professionally and efficiently.

Check Your Tires

Did you know? Effective 10-1-13, Mexican authorities require authentic Mexican Insurance for highway driving in Mexico.

Tire Evaluation Before You Leave

Some people are meticulous about keeping up with the condition of their tires. However, it’s still important to check them out visually before you leave on a road trip. Look for bulges or other unusual signs of wear. Evaluate the tread as well. If you aren’t sure how much wear your tires have experienced since you purchased them, you can check receipts or check in with your tire shop to verify the details. In fact, a professional tire inspection may be necessary if you aren’t sure about the issues. A quick check may provide enough information without any cost, but you may want to spend a few dollars to have your tires rotated and balanced just to be on the safe side. Don’t forget to check your spare as well.

Tire Issues on the Road

Road conditions in Mexico aren’t always ideal. Improved streets aren’t always well-maintained. In fact, some locals may tell you that improvements only happen during election years. Towns with dirt roads can be even tougher on your tires. Although you may pay careful attention to where an how you drive, a blowout or flat can still occur. If you have a roadside emergency, you can contact your provider of authentic Mexican insurance  to assist, especially if your situation affects more than one tire or results in your vehicle being disabled. It’s helpful to know that your Mexico car insurance online makes it possible to obtain towing help and emergency support.

You should carry proper tire-changing gear in your vehicle. A mobile tire pump can be helpful as well. If your issue happens in a town, you may get to a llantera, a tire shop, for assistance. However, in a pinch, your authentic car insurance will give you access to the support you need.

Car insurance for Mexico and Vehicle Inspection