Add Baja To Your Summer Bucket List – Mexico Insurance for Visitors

Mexico Insurance for Visitors
Baja Highways

Mexico insurance for visitors – Add Baja To Your Summer Bucket List

Those who live within close range of Baja may find the peninsula makes an excellent destination for short recreational activities. From cooking lessons to horseback adventures, you can find may enjoyable options within just a short distance of the border. A one-day trip can be covered by Mexico insurance for visitors, and you can select your coverage from the comfort of your home as you input details and pay via your tablet, laptop, desktop, or even smartphone. However, long-term insurance for Mexico in Baja may be warranted if you want to make regular recreational trips into the area and save a lot of money.

Learn more about Mexico Insurance for visitors at

‘El Arco’ marking land’s end of the Baja Peninsula in Cabo San Lucas, BCS

What kind of coverage is the best deal?

There are several situations in which you might only need a one-day policy for Baja recreation. If you are just testing the waters, for example, there’s no sense in setting up long-term insurance for Mexico for driving in Baja. Long-term coverage can be the best choice if you will spend more than three weeks total in Baja over the course of a year. However, your policy coverage only applies to one vehicle. If you have a tendency to switch vehicles based on the activity and your traveling companions, short term coverage is the better choice.

Do I really need Mexico Insurance for visitors? (Answer: Yes)

Although you might be tempted to skip buying insurance for Mexico, this can put you at odds with Mexican law. The nation now requires that all motor vehicles, Mexican-plated and foreign-plated, carry coverage for driving In an accident, even a fender bender, you could find yourself in hot water because of your lack of Mexico Insurance for visitors, so don’t take the risk.

Pro Tip: Mexico Insurance for visitors from includes Roadside Assistance throughout Mexico at no additional cost

Additionally, activity in tourist corridors tends to be more intense, making it wise to have protection for your automobile as you travel through this zone. The differences in pricing are minimal as you compare liability and full coverage, making it well worth your effort to opt for comprehensive insurance for Mexico in Baja. An impromptu trip should still include careful attention to your obligations and decisions for Mexico insurance for visitors coverage, so make sure everything is set before departing.

Mexico Insurance for visitors  from gives you peace of mind across the border