I have noticed that some car insurance is included when I pay my tolls on Mexican toll roads. So why do I need a Mexican car insurance policy, then?
There are several disadvantages to not having sufficient toll road coverage. To begin, the insurance you receive when you pay your tolls is only valid for damage caused by the road's condition rather than an accident with another vehicle. You won't be able to make a claim since you were in a car accident that wasn't linked to the toll.
Second, this type of protection cannot substitute for a quality Mexican car insurance policy. The other reason that toll road coverage is not a suitable replacement for a Standard policy is that it goes out of effect as soon as you leave the designated road. While pay for use roads are popular in Mexico, you will not be on them even 75% of the time. Every time you exit a designated highway, the toll road insurance quits protecting you. There are no two ways about it: You need to purchase a top-quality Mexican car insurance policy. The coverage that is provided when you pay to enter the road does not protect you from the most severe trouble.
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