Should You Get A Daily, Weekly, 6 Month or Yearly Online Mexican Auto Insurance Policy?

While shopping for a yearly online Mexican Auto Insurance policy, you may be surprised to learn that there are many different options. In addition to being able to choose full coverage or liability-only coverage and fixed deductibles or variable deductibles, you can buy this type of coverage by the day, week, month or year. The majority of travelers purchase their policies by the day, but that doesn’t mean that it’s always the best option. If you go to Mexico regularly, annual online Mexican insurance by Mexican Insurance Store may be right for you. Learn more about the pros and cons of different types of coverage like yearly online Mexican Auto Insurance policy below.

Daily Coverage for Quick, Easy Visits

If you’re just going to be in Mexico for a day or two, daily Mexico auto insurance coverage by is probably the best option. Although the daily rate tends to be higher than the other rates, it’s still cheaper for situations in which you’ll just be in Mexico for a very short period of time. Whether you get daily insurance or opt for more extended coverage, make a note of the daily rate. It will allow you to compare and contrast the other options more easily.

Weekly, 6 Months or Annual Online Mexican insurance

Let’s say that you’re going to be in Mexico for at least a week. If so, weekly coverage should save you some money. If you’ll be south of the border for more than a month, 6-month insurance can save you even more cash. Take the daily rate that you noted and multiply it by seven to see how it stacks up against 6 months insurance. Take the 6-month rate and increase it by 10-15% to see how it stacks up against 6 months insurance. In either case, you should get a significant discount. That’s precisely why you should look closely as it’s worth it.

Yearly Online Mexican Auto Insurance Policy for Regular Visitors

What if you go to Mexico quite often? If you go south of the border more than a few times per month, annual online Mexican insurance may be the best option. For one thing, the daily rate is the highest. For another, it’s a lot more convenient. You won’t have to worry about buying a new policy for a full year. If you’re still unsure about what to do, get a quote that includes all of these options. By seeing them all lined up together, you should be able to zero in on the best one more easily. Daily Mexico auto insurance coverage is best found online and not at the border.