Senor Mex says: Before heading to Mexico, many people call their regular car insurance companies to see if they will be protected while they drive south of the border. If…
People enjoy going to Mexico because it is a cheap way to have a good time. When compared with paying for plane tickets to places in the Caribbean, Europe and…
Senor Mex Says: This post is pretty interesting. It is absolutely true that the Internet is the best place to buy Mexico car insurance. Some people choose to put off…
Do you know what you really need to bring with you to Mexico? If you are going to drive south of the border, Mexican car insurance by Mexican Insurance Store…
It pays to be as organized as possible when making a trip down to Mexico. In addition to keeping your belongings in order, you need to keep your paperwork straight…
Senor Mex Says: While this post makes some decent points, it seems to gloss over the biggest risk of going without Mexico insurance: ending up in jail. Sure, having your…
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