No Mexican Car Insurance? Don’t Go to Mexico!

If you’re not willing to buy Mexican car insurance, you have no business driving down to Mexico. Did you know that Mexican car insurance coverage is required by law to demonstrate “financial responsibility”? If you go south of the border without checking Mexican auto insurance reviews from, and buying decent quality Mexico car insurance you expose yourself to all sorts of risks. For one thing, you could end up in jail until your bill is paid. The cops routinely put people who don’t have Mexico car insurance in jail after an at fault accident. For another, you could end up owing a considerable amount of money. Pick up additional info about Mexican auto insurance reviews and Mexican car insurance below.

Do You Like Jail?

Most people really don’t want to end up in jail. If you’re one of them, you shouldn’t go to Mexico without valid Mexican car insurance. The only exception is if you literally aren’t going to drive at all while you’re south of the border. If you’re walking across the border to Tijuana, for example, you won’t have to get Mexico car insurance. If you’re going to be behind the wheel, however, you always need to have valid insurance with you. If you don’t, you could easily end up in a big financial jam.

Do You Like Owing Huge Amounts of Money?

After saving up for and paying for your Mexican vacation, you don’t want to end up with additional bills to pay. If you go without checking Mexican auto insurance reviews and get into an accident, you could end up owing even more money. You will have to pay for damages and injuries out of your own pocket. You may even be ordered to pay for the other driver’s loss of income. In the end, you could end up paying hundreds or thousands of dollars. It is absolutely not worth the risk.

Be Smart

It’s always best to buy Mexican car insurance online before you head south of the border. That’s true whether you live within a few hours of the border, or if you are coming from a really long way away. You need to be ready for anything. The people at the border won’t ask to see proof of insurance, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t need it. Don’t wait to buy it at the border. You’ll get ripped off. Be smart and line it up prior to hitting the road. You’ll be really glad you did.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Kyle Younts
    July 10, 2013 6:15 pm

    Sometimes, those who live close to the Mexican border seem to be slack about buying Mexican auto insurance before driving into Mexico. This article will perhaps, alert them.

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