Mexico Car Insurance and Your Options!

Mexico Car Insurance Options!

If there’s one thing you should never do, it’s to drive south of the border without high-quality Mexico Car insurance. For one thing, Mexican auto insurance online is required by law. If you get into even a small fender-bender and don’t have coverage, the cops are within their rights to take you to jail. Without car insurance for Mexico by Mexican Insurance Store, you could end up owing huge amounts of money if you’re found to be at fault. Your entire visit could be completely ruined in one fell swoop. Why let that happen when it’s so easy to buy Mexican auto insurance?

Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Mexican auto insurance online

Did you know that you can buy car insurance for Mexico in many different increments? A daily car insurance for Mexico policy will tide you over when you’re just popping over for a quick visit. If you’re going to be there for more than a week, you should get a weekly policy. Similarly, monthly Mexico car insurance policies are ideal for times when you’re going to be in Mexico for several weeks. Finally, annual car insurance for Mexico is a worthwhile option to consider if you head to Mexico regularly or are going to be down there for very long periods of time.

Full Coverage or Liability Only Coverage

In the U.S. and Canada, you usually have the option of buying comprehensive coverage or liability only coverage. The same is true about Mexican auto insurance online, but it’s almost always best to buy full coverage. Liability only car insurance for Mexico fulfills the letter of the law, but it does nothing for you in terms of damages to your vehicle. You could be left footing a huge bill. Full Mexican auto insurance online coverage doesn’t cost a whole lot more than liability only coverage, so you might as well protect yourself as fully as possible.


A deductible is the portion of the repair bill that you are responsible for paying when filing a claim. In most cases, you can choose fixed deductibles or variable deductibles when buying M. It’s easy enough to figure out what each type is all about because the names say it all. A fixed deductible is set in stone and determined ahead of time. A variable deductible varies depending on things like the value of your vehicle. Most people prefer fixed deductibles, but the choice is obviously yours to make.