Mexico Auto Insurance; Don’t Get Ripped Off At The Border!

If you think that you should just buy your MexicanInsuranceStore Mexico auto insurance at the border, you need to think again. It may seem like a convenient option, but the truth is that you’ll get ripped off when checking Mexican insurance rates at the border. Most shacks at the border charge excessively higher fees for less reliable Mexican car insurance. As if that isn’t bad enough, they are also known to provide coverage from unrated Mexico auto insurance companies. People are sometimes ripped off as well.

Significantly Higher Rates for Less Protection

Why do the shacks at the border charge more for Mexico auto insurance? One huge reason is because they have a captive audience. By the time you get to the border, you can no longer check Mexican insurance rates, you just have to buy what is available. If you cross the border without Mexican car insurance, you could find yourself in some very hot water. These shacks know that you have no choice, so they happily charge more for the coverage that they provide. Its like buying groceries at 7-11, the selection is less and you pay more. This is a known fact, and you will see for yourself when you get to the border.

No Options

When you buy Mexico auto insurance online, you can take your pick from a dizzying array of options and features. As a result, getting precisely what you need is extremely easy. The same is not true about buying Mexican car insurance at the border. Even if you have a few different options, there’s no way to tell if they are worthwhile or not. You won’t be able to do any research at the border, so you could easily end up with overpriced Mexican insurance rates. It’s way more hassle than it’s worth, and it’s risky to boot.

Don’t Get Scammed

Although it’s possible to get Mexico auto insurance at the border, stories pop up all the time about people getting scammed there too. It’s all too easy for a shady shack at the border to sell unsuspecting travelers worthless scraps of paper. If you get into an accident and actually have a worthless piece of paper, you’ll be out of luck when filing a claim. There’s no way to tell whether what you have is legit or not, so it’s a serious problem. Just go online to check Mexican insurance rates every time. That way, you’ll always be sure that you have Mexico auto insurance quality coverage.