Mexican Insurance; Stay As Organized As Possible!

If youre heading down to Mexico, you should try to be as organized as possible. Nothing can prolong a stop at customs quite like having everything in complete and total disarray. Do you know how to stay organized for a road trip to Mexico? Where are you going to keep your Mexican insurance policy? While the customs officials wont ask to see your Mexican auto insurance, you might end up needing it at some point. Along with your other paperwork, you should keep your Mexican car insurance by Mexican Insurance in an easy to find place.

Be Careful with the Glove Box

Are you thinking about just stuffing all of your paperwork into your glove box before hitting the road for Mexico? Cramming your birth certificate, passport, registration, Mexican insurance and other important documents into your glove box isnt the best idea. It may seem like a safe location, but things can get lost in the shuffle. When you open the glove box, everything could come tumbling out. Youll have to sift through a bunch of paperwork to find your Mexican auto insurance, which will be annoying and a little embarrassing too.

Get a Binder

In order to stay as organized as possible, you should seriously consider using a binder. The one drawback of using a binder is that it isnt going to fit inside the glove box. Youll have to find a spot for it beneath the drivers seat or the front passengers seat. However, it will allow you to keep everything neatly organized. When you get to customs, you will be able to whip out the things that you need quickly and easily. If you end up needing your Mexican car insurance, it will be easy to find too.

A Special Note about Mexican Insurance

Its smart to make a few extra copies of your most important documents. If possible, keep spares in your wallet or purse. In the case of Mexican auto insurance, have every other driver keep a copy in his or her purse or wallet too. You do not want to end up in an accident and have trouble finding your insurance policy. It may seem redundant to make so many copies of your policy, but its better to be safe instead of sorry. Err on the side of caution and make a few extras just in case.