File Your Mexican Insurance Claim in Mexico!

The chances of getting involved in a car accident while in Mexico are admittedly low. If one does occur though, you had better hope you have the foresight to purchase Mexican insurance from online Mexican Insurance Store. Without it, the cops who respond to the scene are likely to take you away to jail. Furthermore, a lack of Mexican auto insurance is sure to cost you a lot of cash. Simply having Mexico auto insurance does not mean that you dont have to do a thing after an accident, however. You are going to need to file a claim before you head back home. Find out why this is so important below.

Filing a Mexican Insurance Claim in Mexico is Key

Even if you buy your Mexican insurance online from a company that is based in the U.S., the actual policy is being drawn from a Mexican provider. That is the way that this works, and why you have to buy separate insurance in the first place. Those Mexican auto insurance providers cant process claims unless they are filed in Mexico. If you wait until you are back in the U.S. or Canada to file your claim, you might as well start writing huge checks right away. There is no way around this requirement, and it really isnt that big of a deal.

Reading the Fine Print

When purchasing your Mexican car insurance, you should make sure to read all of the fine print. You are sure to see a section that explicitly tells you to file any and all claims while you are in Mexico. Read through that section and familiarize yourself with the claims filing process too. In the unlikely event that you are involved in a car wreck, you will know just what to do. Having that knowledge will make the experience a lot less upsetting and stressful. It only takes a few minutes to learn the basics.

Keeping Your Policy with You

One final word of caution: You should take care to keep a copy of your Mexican insurance with you at all times. In fact, you should print out a few extra copies right after you buy your coverage online. Have a fellow traveler stick a copy in his wallet or suitcase. Store an extra copy in your luggage somewhere too. The worst thing that could happen would be to misplace your Mexican auto insurance policy. If you cant produce it, you will have no way of proving that you are covered. Making extra copies is easy, so make sure to do so. Mexican insurance; file your claim in Mexico!