Caught Without a Mexican Tourist Visa – Mexico Auto Insurance

Nobody likes to waste time at the border on a trip to Mexico, but those border stops may be important. In picking up a tourist visa, you might find that the inconvenience of stopping and obeying Mexican law allows you to avoid later inconvenient conversations in which you explain your neglect to a Mexican official.

You can skip the border stop for Mexico auto insurance. By getting Mexican auto insurance online, you can cut some of those interruptions at the border.

Mexico Tourist Visa Requirements

Who Will Ask About a Tourist Visa?

You might be able to go through military checkpoints in states known for extensive tourism without much questioning. However, if you are subject to more intensive questioning, an official might ask about your FMT tourist permit. Look for tougher questioning when elite officers are operating the checkpoints, especially those in gray uniforms.

While you may not encounter much trouble other than a stern warning, you do need to remember that you are in a foreign land and subject to a different legal system. Therefore, it’s best to honor the law of the nation with an inexpensive six-month permit.

If You Have An Accident

If you are in an accident that involves serious damages, bodily injury, road damage, or death, you could experience some scrutiny over the lack of a tourist visa if you should hold such permission. Similarly, a lack of Mexico auto insurance with Mexican Insurance Store could lead to intense questioning and stern treatment.

Because you are legally expected to carry sufficient Mexico auto insurance with Mexican Insurance Store to cover your financial obligations in such a case, you could face serious difficulties in getting out of the country. You might even spend time in jail. Mexican auto insurance online, however, allows you to select a policy with recommended coverage for your destination. It also includes bail bond coverage and legal assistance.

Important Permits And Coverage

While you may be able to travel without these important permits and coverage, finding yourself in a serious incident and on the wrong side of the law could be a serious nightmare. Tourists are not granted special consideration when disobeying the law. Mexican law presumes your guilt rather than innocence. This adds to the potential complications and financial consequences for the person without proper coverage.

Mexico auto insurance with Mexican Insurance Store comes with Roadside Assistance throughout Mexico.