A Single Mexican Insurance Policy Covers All Drivers!

There is a common misconception out there that a Mexican insurance policy only covers one driver. That is absolutely not the case with Mexican Insurance Store policies. When you buy a Mexican auto insurance policy, it protects one vehicle. As long as the driver is over 21, has a valid U.S. or Canadian driver’s license, and has permission, he is covered by the policy.

It’s important to keep this in mind when you buy Mexican car insurance, which could save you a lot of money.

Mexican Insurance; Everyone Chip In!

Are you heading down to Mexico with a group of people? Then, if you are driving, you can all chip in for one Mexican insurance policy. This will definitely soften the financial blow, which isn’t all that much, to begin with. Indeed, Mexican auto insurance is extremely affordable.

If you are used to paying for car insurance in the U.S. or Canada, you are bound to be flabbergasted by how inexpensive Mexican car insurance actually is. However, when you split up the cost among a handful of people, you can get by paying next to nothing.

It is Way Cheaper than Flying

Imagine the amount that you would have to spend to fly yourself and several friends down to Mexico. By driving down and buying a quality Mexican insurance policy, you can get by spending a tiny fraction of that amount. Even though gas prices are anything but low, you will still be able to enjoy your vacation while spending a lot less cash.

Driving through Mexico is always an adventure, too, so you and your traveling companions are sure to have an unforgettable time. The main thing to keep in mind is to buy your Mexican auto insurance coverage before you leave.

Buy Mexican Auto Insurance Online to Save Big

Don’t ever buy your Mexican car insurance from one of those shacks at the border. It may seem like a so-so idea, but it’s a good way to get ripped off. At the minimum, you will pay way more than you should for a policy at the border. Instead, you and your friends should go online and find the coverage that’s right for you before you leave.

Then, everyone can throw in their share, and you can print out your policy right then and there. There is no better way to save money or to see Mexico. Mexican insurance policy from the Store, a single policy covers all drivers!