Mexican auto insurance policy by Mexican Insurance Store

Mexican auto insurance policy by Mexican Insurance Store

As a reminder, note that, under the law of Mexico, drivers or automobile owners should be covered, or must take immediate financial responsibility should they be involved in an accident in Mexico, regardless of the liable party.

Mexican auto insurance policy by Mexican Insurance Store

As a tourist in Mexico, you can only prove financial responsibility by having a bond, presenting a wad of cash, or, simply having a Mexican auto insurance policy by Mexican Insurance Store from an authorized and recognized Mexican insurance company. No Mexican insurance company will cover you for absolutely everything and cater for every single unforeseen occurrence, but having quality comprehensive Mexican Car insurance sure takes a whole boatload of worry away for damages you may be legally held responsible for, as you can be detained until you pay.

Pursuant to this, it’s important to have quality “A” Rated insurance that will insure your auto while you travel inside Mexico. You will find with us, Mexican Insurance Store, that you will receive a quality policy and excellent service. We help our clients conquer this seemingly insurmountable mountain.

We offer excellent Mexican car insurance to meet our visitor’s insurance needs at an affordable rate. Our Clients have access to 24/7 assistance answering their calls directly from our insurers, who have offices all over Mexico and staff working round the clock to ensure that even on the road, you are safe.

In fact we offer the ONLY roadside Assistance and Claims Assistance GUARANTEE in the Mexican Insurance Industry. For your all time Mexican insurance company needs, you are undoubtedly at the right place. In fulfilling the legal requirement in Mexican auto insurance policy by Mexican Insurance Store, we have chosen carriers who will offer tailor made fits our clients’ specifications. In the event of a car accident, we pay in US Dollars, NOT pesos.

As a Mexican insurance Company, we understand that your car is your asset, which is why we ensure that you have the option to repair in the US, Mexico or Canada, and Not just Mexico. This gives you flexibility, so that if damage is slight, it doesn’t ruin your trip. Just remember, you must report all accidents to your Insurer before you leave Mexico or the claim will probably be denied and keep a record of the accident as well.

Try to obtain as much info as you ca. Also remember that Mexican auto insurance policy by Mexican Insurance Store supplies you with an 800 Toll Free number that works 24/7 throughout Mexico.

While in Mexico, it is mas importante that you keep your ID cards that we provide you in your wallet or purse separate from the actual Mexican car Insurance policy which most people put in their glove compartment or in a file in their luggage. It’s also a good idea to print and bring with you a copy of your credit card receipt. Enjoy your vacation with Peace of Mind knowing that if you need assistance, it’s a phone call away! Have Fun!
Mexican auto insurance policy by Mexican Insurance Store comes with FREE Roadside Assistance