You Need Mexican Insurance It No Matter What!

Senor Mex says: It never ceases to amaze me how many people out there believe that they can avoid auto accidents. As this article notes, there is no way to avoid car accidents. When traveling to Mexico, then, it is crucial to buy Mexican insurance. If you don’t have coverage and are involved in a wreck, there’s a very good chance that you will be taken to jail. Furthermore, you will end up owing a whole lot of money, and you’ll have more than a deductible to deal with. Even if you have been driving for years and have never been in an accident, you can’t predict what will happen. Another driver could throw you for a loop by running a stop sign or otherwise causing a crash. If you arent protected by Mexican insurance, you will rue the day that you decided that you could safely go without it.


“Many US drivers do not see the need for they are confident of averting accidents while driving on Mexican roads. They consider Mexican insurance to be an unwanted expense, not realizing that Mexican insurance laws are markedly different from the US laws.”

You can check out more information here. Keep yourself as safe as can be by purchasing Mexican insurance at Mexican Insurance every time.