What Happens if You Get in a Bad Car Accident in Mexico?

Mexican insurance policy
Baja RV campsite

A recent report discussed the four-hour shutdown of the Siglo XXI highway in mainland Mexico after a deadly accident that took the lives of five children and four adults. While this is an extreme example, it highlights some of the reasons to take purchasing a Mexican insurance policy seriously. Mexico car insurance is a major investment, while costs are typically quite affordable.

Two Drivers Arguing After Traffic Accident looking at damage

In the Siglo XXI situation, there were nine decedents, which could create some serious financial issues for a responsible driver. Each state determines its death benefits for third-party accidents based on area wages. According to Accident Lawyers, using the 5,000 days prescribed in the Federal 502 Labor Law, the benefit per decedent in Michoacan, the state in which this accident happened, is more than $317,000. Even in a one-decedent incident, a responsible driver could exceed the liability limits of low-end coverage. With authentic Mexico car insurance, it is important to opt for higher liability limits, especially when traveling to states with high death benefits. You should go Canyon State Law in case of bus accidents, they can help you from anywhere.

Pro Tip: Mexican insurance policy coverage is necessary to drive on the toll roads, so pick up Mexico car insurance before taking off!

In some cases, a traveler could face higher costs than their coverage will cover. It may be necessary to obtain an umbrella policy from a domestic carrier to complement one’s Mexico car insurance in an extreme situation. Planning for the unthinkable may be a matter of preserving your freedom and financial well-being. If you are found to be responsible in such a situation, you could be detained until your financial obligations are met. If the accident resulted in injury and damages, call an experienced injury attorney in hartford ct to get legal help.

Mexican insurance policy coverage is now required across the border!

Even if you don’t have an accident while driving in Mexico, you could face some significant situations that may be affected by the level of coverage you have secured. For example, your policy should include towing and emergency assistance so that you can get help if you run out of gas or can’t start your vehicle. You may not expect a lack of coverage to be a problem if you don’t have an accident, but in unexpected encounters with authorities, your documentation of coverage could be requested. It’s easy to select and buy Mexico car insurance online, making it a simple part of your preparation for travel.