Traveling to Mexico with the Kids is a Lot of Fun, just remember the Mexican auto insurance policy

Senor Mex says: My own children are grown now, but I used to take them down to Mexico with me all the time. A few of them have kids of their own, and they continue the tradition. If traveling in Mexico with kids was a huge ordeal, none of us would bother. Fortunately, it’s not a lot different than traveling with kids anywhere else. The most important thing is to keep them occupied so that long hours in the car don’t become unbearable. Of course, you need to make sure that you have the right paperwork so that they can get into the country without incident too. If you’ve never taken them to Mexico before, make sure they know to behave at military checkpoints. Have a Mexican Insurance Store Mexican auto insurance policy handy in case of emergencies. A valid Mexican auto insurance policy is essential to drive safely in Mexico.

FTDiary Post

“Before my family went to Mexico, a friend of mine gave me some great tips that I’m glad I listened to. I thought I’d share the tip of what I packed – things I wouldn’t normally take on the average trip, and I’m so glad I did!
Because besides the obvious things you need to pack – here are a few things you may not consider bringing:

Bandaids – I took one box of bandaids with us to Mexico and I wish I had packed more! We went through the entire thing and once we were done, we had to buy some in the hotel gift shop. Why? The kids are active at a resort!”