Traffic for Mexico During Labor Day Weekend – Mexican insurance for autos from


Mexican insurance for autos from
Rosarito Beach Activities

Mexican insurance for autos from – Traffic and Activity Expectations for Mexico During Labor Day Weekend

You may wonder if you will encounter extra traffic heading to Mexico for the Labor Day Weekend, and it is helpful to understand that the American holiday is not simultaneously celebrated in Mexico. While Mexico does observe its own Labor Day, the date is May 1. On that date, government offices, schools and other businesses may close to observe the date. During the U.S. holiday, however, it is business as usual with the exception of tourist businesses and locations that may cater to holiday travelers heading south of the border. Your Mexican insurance for autos from can be purchased on or before the holiday. Mexican insurance online is available 24-7 on a 365-day basis. Mexican insurance for autos from or its equivalent is required in order to drive legally on Mexico highways.

Tourist Areas

You may find that tourist festivals are more common close to the border for the three-day weekend. For example, Rosarito is known for activities at major hotels and beaches. Those flying to spots like Cabo may find special activities as well. However, if you head out of border areas by car, you may find a low-key setting as life goes on without much notice of the U.S. holiday. Make your plans based on your preferences. If you like the active scene of a resort, you can find lots of options within a short driving distance from the border. If you prefer a peaceful getaway, look farther south. Regardless, make sure that you have Mexican insurance for autos from so that you are able to travel legally.

Getting Home

Because much of the tourism traffic will be from north of the border, plan for a lengthy wait in line at the border. Keep your Mexican insurance for autos from active through your final day so that you don’t have an unexpected lapse and an accident without coverage. You may want to plan your stay with a hotel that offers Fast Pass privileges to patrons, an option that may allow you to get in a special lane at the border for a quick salida. Because the number of businesses offering this benefit is so small, you don’t need to worry about contending with hundreds of other vehicles vying for position at the border. If you don’t have a Fast Pass, consider staying an extra day so that you aren’t battling grumpy tourists. Just be sure to extend your Mexican insurance online for your extra time.

Mexican insurance for autos from comes with legal and roadside assistance.