The Downside of Buying Mexican Insurance at the Border!

If you think you’re ready to jump in the car and head down to Mexico, you need to think again. If you haven’t purchased Mexican insurance from Mexican Insurance Store for tourists yet, you’re not really ready to leave. Sure, you can buy car insurance for Mexico at the border. There are always plenty of shacks set up that peddle this type of coverage. However, you can’t count on a fair price or decent quality when you buy Mexican auto insurance at the border. Not by a long shot. Find out why buying Mexican insurance for tourists there is such a bad idea below.

Ridiculously High Mexican Insurance for Tourists Prices

You will be charged way too much for car insurance for Mexico at the border. The companies that sell this coverage at the border can get away with it because they know they have a captive audience. It’s not like you can shop around or do any Mexican auto insurance comparison shopping. You have to buy whatever Mexican insurance for tourists is being offered, and there’s no use haggling either. The price is what it is, and you have to pay it if you want to head into Mexico with insurance. It’s just not worth it.

Go Online Instead

In addition to paying too much and sitting in a long, slow-moving line, you will end up with low-quality car insurance for Mexico coverage if you buy it at the border. For all of these reasons, you need to buy your Mexican insurance for tourists on the Internet. Just make sure to buy it from a reputable online provider. The company should have a proven track record with the Better Business Bureau. Ideally, it should also focus solely on providing Mexican auto insurance. You’ll be tickled by how low the prices are online, and you’ll have a much easier, less stressful time buying this insurance on the Internet.

You will Wait and Wait

No one likes waiting in line. You have to put up with a little bit of waiting while you’re at the border. You might even be stopped for a random search. By the time that’s over and done with, you’re not going to be in the mood to wait in yet another line. That’s precisely what you’ll have to do if you choose to buy car insurance for Mexico at the border. The process is long, frustrating and annoying.