Surprise Your Friends With Mexican Auto Insurance Online!

Sometimes, its nice to surprise your friends with a special event or outing. If you live within easy driving distance of the U.S. Mexico border, a surprise trip to Mexico may be in order. You can lay the groundwork for such a trip by purchasing Mexican auto insurance at online ahead of time. The nice thing is that you can line up a great Mexican liability insurance policy online without a lot of time, effort or money. Once you are armed with Mexico car insurance, you can hit the road whenever you want.

Dont Tell Them

In order to be a real surprise, you cant tell your friends where you are taking them. There is one snafu, though: While you may be purchasing Mexican auto insurance online, your friends are going to need their passports and other documentation. How are you supposed to surprise them while making sure that they will be able to get across the border? Unfortunately, there is no sneaky way around this issue. The best thing that you can do is vaguely mention that they should bring their passports. Tell them their passports might come in handy. As a precaution, when you all meet before heading out, confirm that everyone their passport.

Enjoy a Whirlwind Visit

Even if your friends are able to put two and two together, theres no need to tell them all of the details of your visit. You can whisk them all across the border and then take them on a whirlwind tour of your favorite places. Many people simply like to dart over to Tijuana to do a little bar hopping. If you do that, make sure that you book a hotel for the night. Even the best Mexican liability insurance in the world wont help you if you are busted for drunk driving.

Drive Safely with Your Friends

You can just imagine what a car accident could do to the kind of fun that you try to have down in Mexico. Things would be ten times worse if you are involved in an accident and dont have Mexico car insurance. For one thing, the cops will probably take you or whoever is driving off to jail. For another, you will be left holding the bag for a bunch of exorbitant medical bills and repair bills. Avoiding this unpleasant fate is easy: buy Mexican auto liability insurance. It only takes a second and it can definitely come in handy. Mexican auto insurance online; surprise your friends with a trip to Mexico!