Should You Hold Off on Buying Mexican Insurance?

If you look for advice about Mexican insurance on the Internet, you’re sure to end up with a lot of conflicting information. On the Internet, people are free to post their opinions about anything and everything. Even though Mexico car insurance is technically necessary, there are people out there who never buy it. If you run across posts from such folks, you’re liable to feel that you don’t need to buy it yourself. Don’t fall into that trap. In order to operate a motor vehicle legally south of the border, you need valid Mexican insurance coverage.

Always Buy Mexico car insurance

The first thing to get out of the way is this: You absolutely, positively must buy Mexican auto insurance policy at Mexican Insurance every time you drive south of the border. There are no exceptions. Despite what some people will say, it’s required by law. You have to show the cops that you can handle your financial obligations in the wake of an accident. A decent Mexican auto insurance policy is the best way to do that. It’s pretty much the only way. If you don’t have one, the cops will put you behind bars until they can complete their investigation.

Buy Mexican Insurance Early

Okay, so now you know that you need to have Mexican insurance whenever you drive in Mexico. That’s well and good, but can’t you just wait until you’re at the border to get it? Once again, the answer is no. You really should buy Mexico car insurance online ahead of time. At least, you should do that if you care about saving money and getting decent coverage. If you’re unconcerned about how much you spend and don’t really care whether your insurance protects you or not, go ahead and buy it from one of those shacks at the border.

Be Prepared

Saving money and time aren’t the only reasons to buy your Mexican auto insurance policy online. Doing so also allows you to arrive at the border prepared. You won’t have to wait in a long line to get insurance. The instant you cross the border, your policy will kick into gear. Besides, you’re highly unlikely to get decent coverage at the border. Wouldn’t you like to be adequately protected? If so, you really need to buy your policy online. In every possible way, it’s the best way to go.

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