Post-Patricia News and Information for Mexico Travelers – Mexican auto insurance coverage

Mexican auto insurance coverage
Hurricane Patricia

Mexican auto insurance coverage – Post-Patricia News and Information for Mexico Travelers

Although Hurricane Patricia caused some significant damage as it made its way through mainland, the damage pales in comparison to that experienced in some storms that have had less intensity. Information from some individuals living in the affected regions indicates that government efforts played a huge role in protecting the lives of both citizens and foreigners. Although the Mexican government often gets a bad rap in the press who suggests that efforts to evacuate systematically have been perfected through prior efforts, allowing for a better-than-expected result in this most recent Mexican hurricane. One of the most important tips for a foreigner is to listen to the authorities, including your compliance with Mexican auto insurance coverage as you drive. Although you may never encounter a Mexican hurricane or a car accident while driving in Mexico, the right Mexico insurance policy  for travel can make a huge difference in a time of need.

Hurricane Patricia makes landfall

Tips for Upcoming Travel to Mexico

Mexico can be affected by either Pacific or Atlantic hurricanes, making it important to evaluate activity on both sides of the country during your travels. Remember than Hurricane Patricia actually started in the Pacific, sweeping upward through Mexico’s mainland and through Texas before reaching the Northeastern United States. Although this was an unusual case, it emphasizes your need to pay attention. Additionally, this particular storm formed so quickly that many did not have time to get out of the country before it arrived. As a tourist, you could face emergency conditions that will interfere with your travel plans, making it wise to have emergency plans that could be activated as needed on a trip.

Tips for Handling Your Mexican auto insurance coverage in an Emergency

You could face national emergencies or personal emergencies as you travel. In either case, it is helpful to remember that your Mexican auto insurance coverage allows you to access support services for roadside emergencies. Your Mexico insurance policy documents will include tips for making contact in case of an emergency or car accident. If you are involved in an accident, your carrier will also provide tips for dealing with the situation as legal support is coordinated.

Learn more about Mexican auto insurance coverage here

Mexican auto insurance coverage – Post-Patricia info for Mexico Travelers