Mexico Whale Watching Travel Guide and Safety Tips – Best Mexico Insurance

Mexico insurance
Whale watching in La Paz

Best Mexico Insurance – Mexico Whale Watching Travel Guide and Safety Tips

With a recent northern incident resulting in five people being killed during a whale-watching expedition, you might wonder whether it is safe to include this activity in your winter travels to Mexico. It is important to realize that the incident in question occurred because of the boat capsizing, not because of whale activity. However, a Mexico incident in the spring of 2015 near Cabo San Lucas was due to a whale colliding with a small boat, resulting in a single tourist dying. Even the best Mexico insurance for drivers won’t keep you safe in the water. However, your Mexican car insurance does feature benefits for those whose travel might be interrupted because of serious medical issues.

To learn more about Mexico insurance, visit Mexican Insurance Store .com

Best Safety tips for whale watching

It’s tough to get close to whale activity if you aren’t on a boat, but you might want to review the boats and talk with the guides before making any firm decisions to go out. If you don’t like what you see, then be willing to walk away and track down a different tour guide. If you plan to bring your own vessel, you will need to include it as a towed item on your Mexico auto insurance. You will be responsible for your own activity in that case, so be sure that your vessel is in top operating condition and that you are alert to current weather and whale activity tips when you go out in the water.

At the peak of whale season in Baja California Sur, you will find that sightings from shore are possible. In fact, you might enjoy a relaxed stay in a beach community that allows you to simply observe from shore on a day-by-day basis without the need for additional information. Many visitors feel this is a good way. Whales will be heading south during the winter months and north during the late months of spring. Both can be fun and rewarding opportunities. Travel Tip: Mexico insurance for drivers is now required, so buy Mexican car insurance online and save time, money and frustration with excellent coverage!

Mexico insurance for tourists and safety tips

Be sure that you select reputable Mexico auto insurance so that you are assured of proper claim handling if you have an accident. Restrict your driving to conventional roads to avoid unexpected accidents that could nullify your coverage.

Mexico insurance for tourists from Mexican Insurance Store gives you peace of mind!

Mexico Whale Watching Travel Guide and Safety Tips – Mexico Insurance