Mexico Insurance; Vehicle Confiscation Is Not Worst Risk!

Senor Mex Says: While this post makes some decent points, it seems to gloss over the biggest risk of going without Mexico insurance: ending up in jail. Sure, having your car confiscated would be bad. Most people would agree, though, that ending up in jail would be even worse. Horror stories abound about ending in behind bars down in Mexico. While probably nothing terrible would happen to you in jail, it would not be a fun or pleasant experience. It would completely ruin your vacation. If you have others with you on the trip, they will be up the proverbial creek. All of the fun that you were going to have would vanish into thin air. Theres just no good reason to ever drive around down in Mexico without the right Mexico insurance coverage. Losing your car is not good, but ending up in a jail cell is ten times worse!

Buy Auto Insurance Post

“You have two choices when face with this situation – either you get insurance and drive the auto or you nevertheless drive the car without the insurance and danger your automobile becoming confiscated. Of course, the first selection is the finest for you.”

Steer clear of time in jail by purchasing the best quality Mexico insurance at Mexican Insurance Store online.